Trade & Health - Key Readings |
Globalization and Health – General
- Lee
K. (2000), "Globalization and health policy: A review of
the literature and proposed research and policy agenda" in
Bambas A. et. al. Eds. Health
and Human Development in the Global Economy (Washington
D.C.: PAHO).
- Lee K. (in press), “Globalization – a new
agenda for health?” in McKee, M., Garner P. and Stott R. eds. International Cooperation and Global Health (London: Oxford
University Press)
- McMichael A.J. and Beaglehole R. (2000), “The
changing global context of public health”, The
- Yach D. and Bettcher D. (1998a), “The
Globalization of Public Health: Threats and Opportunities”, American
Journal of Public Health, May 88 (5): 1-3.
- Yach D. and Bettcher D. (1998b), “The
Globalization of Public Health: The Convergence of Self-Interest
and Altruism”, American
Journal of Public Health, May 88 (5): 4-7.
Globalization and
- Fidler D. (1996), “Globalization, International
Law and Emerging Infectious Diseases”, Emerging
Infectious Diseases, 2 (2): 77-84.
- Yach D. and Bettcher D. (2000), “Globalization of
tobacco industry influence and new global responses”, Tobacco Control, 9: 206-216.
Global Economy and
- Fidler D. (1996), “Globalization, International
Law and Emerging Infectious Diseases”, Emerging
Infectious Diseases, 2 (2): 77-84.
- Lang T., Heasman M. and Pitt J. (1999), Food, Globalization and a New Health Agenda (San Francisco:
International Forum on Globalization).
Environmental Change and Health
- McMichael A. and Haines A. (1997), “Global
climate change: the potential effects on health”, British
Medical Journal, 315, 27 September, pp. 805-9
Global Health Governance
- Buse K. and Walt G. (2000a), “Global
public-private Health Partnerships: Part I -
A new Development in Health?” Bulletin
of the World Health Organization, 78(4): 549-61.
- Chen L., Evans T. and Cash R. (1999), “Health as
a Global Public Good” in Kaul. I., Grunberg I. And Stern M.
eds., Global Public Goods: International Co-operation in the 21st
Century (Oxford University Press): 285-89.
- Kickbusch I. (1999), “Global Public Health:
Revisiting Health Public Policy
at the global level”, Health
Promotion International, 14 (4): 285-88
- Pollack A. and Price D. (2000), “Rewriting the
regulations: how the World Trade Organization could accelerate
privatisation in health-care systems”, The
Lancet, 356; 9 Dec: pp. 1995-2000.
- Navarro V. (1999), “Health and Equity in the
world in the era of Globalization”, International
Journal of Health Services, 29 (2): 215-26
- Cash R. and Narasimham V. (2000), “Impediments to
Global Surveillance of infectious diseases: Consequences of open
reporting in a Global Economy”, Bulletin
of the WHO, 78 (11): 1358-67
- Bettcher D., Yach D. and Guindon G. (2000),
“Global Trade and Health: Key Linkages and future
challenges”, Bulletin of the WHO, 78 (4): 521-34
- Bettcher D. and Lee K. (forthcoming), “Glossary
on Globalization and Health”, Journal
of Community Health and Epidemiology.
- Zimmet P. (2000), “Globalization,
Coca-Colonization and the chronic Disease Epidemic: Can the
Doomsday Scenario be averted?”, Journal of International
Medicine, March, 47(3), 301-310.
- Baris E. and McLeod K., “Globalization and
International Trade in the Twenty-first Century: Opportunities
for and Threats to the Health Sector in the South”, International
Journal of Health Services, 2000, 30(1): 187-210
- Lang T. (1999), “Diet, Health and Globalization:
Five Key Questions”, Proceedings of the Nutritional Society,
May, 58(2): 335-43