activities 2001 Poverty and Health
In 2001 HDE will be
undertaking work in the following three areas:
- Contributing to
OECD’s Development Assistance Committee
(DAC) and UN Development Group (UNDG) work on poverty and
- Continuing the
‘Partnership in Health and Poverty’ work with the World
Bank, European Commission, the UK’s Department for
International Development (DfID) and other agencies to develop a
common research agenda
- Networking with NGOs,
academia, and parliamentarians
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more detail
Preparing Technical Papers on health in development
Collecting Country case studies on health and poverty reduction
- Preparing a
multi-country analysis of national policies on health and
poverty reduction
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more detail
Tools, Guides and Training
- Running workshops on
Health PRSPs in sub-Saharan Africa, with WHO, WHO’s African
Regional Office (AFRO), the World Bank and UNICEF
- Developing a long-term
program in sub-Saharan Africa on ‘capacity building on health
in PRSP’
- Preparing a WHO
position paper and technical tools on health in PRSPs at country
- Creating tools for
integrating gender aspects in health and poverty policies
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more detail