Following the publication
of A
Human Rights Approach to Tuberculosis, a new WHO
publication series in
health and human rights is being developed. This will start with
the publication of a Q & A on health and human rights which
aims to clarify the relationship between human rights and
specific health topics, and then the series will continue with
the publication of the following papers in collaboration with
other WHO departments:
to analyze the health dimensions of water as reflected in
international and regional human rights instruments and
practise in order to catalyze the integration of a human
rights dimension in WHO's work on health and water
(Department of Protection of the Human Environment).
Paper to define the
issues relating to food and nutrition in relation to health
and identify practical ways of using human rights to further
support WHO's work in this area (Department of Nutrition for
Health and Development).
Paper to define the
issues relating to immunization and begin to identify
practical ways of using human rights issues to promote the
delivery of, and ensure access to, vaccination services.
Specific attention will be paid to poor and
vulnerable population groups including children, pregnant
women, ethnic and religious minorities, indigenous peoples,
migrants and refugees (Department of Vaccines and
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