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Health & Human Rights


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Health & Human Rights - Background

Every country in the world is now party to at least one human rights treaty that addresses health-related rights, including the right to health - i.e. to the highest attainable standard of health - and a number of rights related to conditions necessary for health.

Human rights bring to health enhanced government accountability and heightened attention to the most vulnerable, emphasizing empowerment, participation, information, education and freedom from discrimination


Promoting and protecting health and respecting, promoting and protecting human rights are inextricably linked:

  • Vulnerability to ill-health can be reduced by taking steps to respect, protect and fulfil human rights (e.g. freedom from discrimination on account of race, sex and gender roles, rights to food, basic education -societal determinants of health.)

  • Health policies and programmes can promote or violate human rights in their design or implementation (e.g. rights to participation, freedom from discrimination, individual autonomy, physical integrity, rights to privacy and information, attention to vulnerable groups.)

  • Violations or lack of attention to human rights can have serious health consequences. (e.g. harmful traditional practices, torture, violence against women)




WHO’s approach is to foster a mutually reinforcing interaction between the promotion and protection of health and the promotion and protection of human rights. 


This is achieved through the following three core areas of work:

  • Develop a health and human rights approach within WHO

  • Promote health interests on the international human rights agenda

  • Support governments to integrate human rights in health policies and strategies


Develop a health and human rights approach within WHO:

A strategy on health and human rights would provide a comprehensive framework and institutional platform for WHO technical work in this area of increasing importance. To strengthen the process of developing a strategy, work has focused on initiating “Basic building blocks” to provide a strong foundation for future technical work:


Promote health interests on the international human rights agenda:


Support governments to integrate human rights in health policies and strategies

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